Tuesday, May 23, 2006



But, saved.........

I'm down to like 980, and it's still 15/30.

I get A7, and a certain player is raising often. I relax my calling standards a bit, and call. So does one other player.

I pair the ace...I'm in trouble. To make a long story short, the 'other' player check raised the original raise, and I essentially gave up and called. He had me dominated with A8, but the board paired, and a K came on the river so we could chop.

Incidentally, the player to my right is hitting a lot of shit against donkey's (which is good, just not for me). I'm so glad he's on my right though.

Man I hate getting a hand like QQ early. It's almost a trouble hand, but not quite. You can make a lot, and you can lose a lot (whereas a trouble hand makes you little, plus loses a lot).


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