Monday, May 22, 2006

Crap I am on a HUGE downswing online. I mean huge.

No complaints bankroll mgmt rules are allowing me to continue playing. I'm mad, yeah, but I'll fight through it. I'm thinking of a few days off from online. Kinda like I'm just letting the negative energy filter out or something all cheesey like that.

My downswing is mostly do to bad play. Some beats, but nothing out of the ordinary. A lot of hands are running into better hands that they weren't before. I mighta been catching people on bluffs before that are now monster hands. It happens.

You have to have 3 things though:
Emotional Control.
Basic Strategy.
Great Judgement.

Those three things can emcompass every part of your game. Bankroll management is somewhat outside those things, and needs adhered to just as importantly. But, you can put all else about your game under that and over the next few days I'll explain what I mean. Right now, I'm going to go punch a rabbit in the face, and kick a cat (if I can find one).


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