Thursday, May 18, 2006

Last night, I get home, and I play two SnGs, and I'm done. I was disgusted with my play totally.

In one SnG, it's early in the 10/20 blinds. In MP, I get KQo, and I have one limper in front of me. I raise to 60 (I would be just as fine folding here seriously), and only he calls me.

The flop doesn't help me at all. He checks, I put out a weak assed bet of 60 chips, and he raises. I could fold right there....but I don't. I should have, and I normally would have. I love those situations because what seems to happen later is that the same guy, or someone paying attention ends up trying it on me when I have something. Then, they can't get off their hand, or they're afraid they'll be caught bluffing, so they give me a lot of chips.

Instead, I reraised him about 1.5x what he put in the pot on his check raise. He just calls. He had paired the middle pair...but, I think that he was putting me on two higher cards, and as long as there wasn't any, he felt safe that his middle pair was good.

The turn gave him trips, and by that time, I was in moron tilt, and reraised him all in with nothing but KQ, and of course he called. I'm done.

I play a turbo right after, and fare much better. In fact, I'm the slight chip leader with 6 players left, and a guy goes all in for about 4/5 of my stack, and I have Q9. I think (not really) for a while, and I call him, and lose. I end up going out 6th.

At that point, I'm totally done. I thought of playing through it, but I was so mad at myself that I just couldn't.

Tonight, I'll have a lot more time to play, and hopefully I've prepared myself to fold moronic situations tonight. I sent my home e-mail account all kinds of "advice" about my early play, and short handed play in SnGs. Hopefully I follow the advice. I won't be playing any tournies tonight unless I can catch a 400 fpp to 4000 fpp tournament on Stars.


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