Sunday, May 27, 2018

Here's something new for this blog...

Positing two days in a row! 

(Well, at least I think it's new.)

Anyhow, I'm in a one table SnG right now, and I hopefully will play some tournaments later in the day. 

Later that day...

Well, got myself into a $22 tournament with, right now, 186 entrants but that will more than double over the next hour.  I'll report hands as they come along if interesting at all, and the result...

Okay, this happens...just sucks when it happens, but anyhow...folds around to me, I have QTo, I raise it from the button, and I'm called by T7o. 

Flop gives me 2nd pair with the Ten, but when checked to me, I check as well. 

Turn gives him two pair, Tens and Sevens, and he leads out with a bet of about 3/4 of the pot, and I call with just the T. 

River is another T giving me three of a kind, but him a boat, and he checks.  I bet 1/4 of the pot, and he ships his stack, and I call. 

Here's how it should have played:

Bet 3/4 of the pot on the flop (or more).  He may fold, but let's assume he calls.  Turn gives him two pair, and he most likely would check thinking I'd bet again.  He checks, I check. 

River comes, and I'm not sure what he'd do.  I would THINK he would bet hoping I was thinking he would steal it.  Maybe he checks again, but I'd bet with 3 of a kind.  When he ships it...I probably call there too.  So, I'm most likely losing chips here no matter what.  I probably don't need to lose my whole stack though. 

I'm completely fine with the pre-flop raise because first to act from the button with QT is fine, IMO.

100/200 $10,000 GTD, Table 9 (Hold'em)
Seat 8 is the button
Seat 1: Loki1623 (8500).
Seat 2: RivertheWin (10159).
Seat 3: dowork14 (13754).
Seat 4: TACOENGINEER (4849).
Seat 5: Sarim19 (5405).
Seat 6: buBBle_u_UP (3824).
Seat 7: HUfunplayer1 (3180).
Seat 8: glenmawr70 (6103).
Player Loki1623 ante (20)
Player RivertheWin ante (20)
Player dowork14 ante (20)
Player TACOENGINEER ante (20)
Player Sarim19 ante (20)
Player buBBle_u_UP ante (20)
Player HUfunplayer1 ante (20)
Player glenmawr70 ante (20)
Player Loki1623 has small blind (100)
Player RivertheWin has big blind (200)
Player Loki1623 received a card.
Player Loki1623 received a card.
Player RivertheWin received a card.
Player RivertheWin received a card.
Player dowork14 received a card.
Player dowork14 received a card.
Player TACOENGINEER received a card.
Player TACOENGINEER received a card.
Player Sarim19 received a card.
Player Sarim19 received a card.
Player buBBle_u_UP received a card.
Player buBBle_u_UP received a card.
Player HUfunplayer1 received a card.
Player HUfunplayer1 received a card.
Player glenmawr70 received card: [Qh]
Player glenmawr70 received card: [10s]
Player dowork14 folds
Player Sarim19 folds
Player buBBle_u_UP folds
Player HUfunplayer1 folds
Player glenmawr70 raises (530)
Player Loki1623 folds
Player RivertheWin calls (330)
*** FLOP ***: [Jd 10h 3c]
Player RivertheWin checks
Player glenmawr70 checks
*** TURN ***: [Jd 10h 3c] [7h]
Player RivertheWin bets (800)
Player glenmawr70 calls (800)
*** RIVER ***: [Jd 10h 3c 7h] [10c]
Player RivertheWin checks
Player glenmawr70 bets (730)
Player RivertheWin allin (8809)
Player glenmawr70 allin (4023)
Uncalled bet (4056) returned to RivertheWin
------ Summary ------
Pot: 12426. Rake 0
Board: [Jd 10h 3c 7h 10c]
Player Loki1623 does not show cards.Bets: 120. Collects: 0. Loses: 120.
*Player RivertheWin shows: Full House (10/7) [7s 10d]. Bets: 6103. Collects: 12426. Wins: 6323.
Player dowork14 does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player TACOENGINEER does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player Sarim19 does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player buBBle_u_UP does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player HUfunplayer1 does not show cards.Bets: 20. Collects: 0. Loses: 20.
Player glenmawr70 shows: Three Of Kind of 10s [Qh 10s]. Bets: 6103. Collects: 0. Loses: 6103.
Game ended at: 2018/5/27 19:5:34

So, I'll play one more buy in...will report on hands in a bit...

I actually don't have the hand, but it was bad...basically I thought what the heck when someone was all in, and went all in with them because I was down to 8000 after having 12000.  Sound irrational?  Because it is.  

Anyhow, what I'm feeling is this...the three first place finishes in tournaments brought my Sharkscope graph up out of negative.  It wasn't too far down, however, it as nice to be positive.  

Now with the past few days including two $20 buy ins today, it's right back down.  Granted, I have only about $30 less than what I started the day with yesterday (I had won money in a cash game), but on the graph it looks like a $100 nosedive.  

So, typically, I'd get in a cash game right now.  

Not happening.  


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