Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Every day is not going to be your day playing poker. Some days will go really well, some won't. You try to minimize losses, and stay disciplined.

Today, I went down some. Not too far down, but down nonetheless. I had two last place finishes in a row in the 9 handed SnGs, and a 3rd place finish in the 10 handed turbo on Stars.

I played much better after that, and still had beats, and no cards to finish 6th and 7th. Really, I played quite well in the 6th and 7th place finishes, and was at least happy that I turned things around somewhat.

Then, I broke the rules, and went to a .50/1.00 No limit cash game. I made about 7.00, and then came a hand, my favorite hand, suited 86. Someone raised to 4.00, and I decided to fold (like I should) and there was a caller. The flop would have given me a boat, and I think to myself, "I know I should have folded there, but can I stay here without being pissed for a few moments?" I knew the answer was no, especially with the beats I've taken lately, so I got out having recouped some of the losses for the day. I think all total I was down about a little less than 20.00 for the day. Between 15, and 20.

Tomorrow, more of the same. Some 4.40's, 5.50 1 tables, 3.40 1 tables...probably no more turbo's for a while. Also today I played a turbo 5.50 tournament, and that went nowhere quickly.

This weekend, again, is the 75.00 NLHE championhips at the place I play live. I would really like to perform well the entire time I'm there. Mostly folding when I should, and picking spots to be the agressor when I should. Paying attention, focusing, and putting pressure on players. Taking into account what they must be thinking. All of it.


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