Saturday, June 17, 2006

Yesterday, I mentioned this in my blog:

"One other thing is, I will, I mean I WILL think people are bluffing me tomorrow. Especially certain people. I need to make sure I look at the context of the hand before trying to bust their bluff. If I'm getting all tilted and shit, I will exit early. I can fold, and I can even be bluffed. "

And, of course, I thought I was being bluffed. In fact, the person that I had in mind that would be bluffing me...he was the person who was all in, and whom I called. I had KK, and I raised from UTG+1. The sb, and bb called me. I suppose I could have raised more but whatever.

So, the flop comes all under 9, and he leads out with 2xbb, the bb raises, and I reraise. He goes all in...

I think that should tell me something. For one, he's a good player. For another, he was raised, and reraised...if he's bluffing in that situation, then fine. But, about 90 percent of the time even a good LAG player who is raised, and reraised won't go all in with something less than a pair. He could have had AA maybe, but still I think he would have went all in no matter what with something better than what I had.

I called, and lost a significant amount of my stack in the 50/100. I was down to about 2800.

I climed back up to about 12k through hitting a flush all in, and flopping a strait against a big stack who made three of a kind. Both times I was able to get all my chips in. So, I wasn't doing bad.

Then, the last hand. I had AT, and I flopped three of a kind tens. I bet, guy calls. Turn is nothing, I bet larger, he goes all in...he has a boat with JT (the flop was JTT). See ya. I don't have a problem having that type of beat...I should have laid down the KK in the beginning. I could EASILY lay that down against someoen else. I mean, a min raise, a reraise, another reraise, and he goes all in. He has a pair beat folks. And, if he doesn't, I can live with it. Oh well, I call too many people too much of the time. I wasn't using proper judgement.

The funny thing is, my emotion is still graded an A. Go figure.


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