Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A very good can be found here: http://www.cardplayer.com/magazine/article/15093

This article is, by far, one of the better articles I have found in some time. Do you feel that you can't win a flip to save your life? Then you probably shouldn't read it. But, if you are not in the "poker is rigged" crowd, or the "I never hit flips" crowd, then you can read it.

Basically, the author, Matt Matros, tries to convince you that no matter how skillful you are, or what you expect from the tourney, you can, and actually should take those small edges like your QQ vs. AKs even early on in the tourney. Yes, even early on.

Matros debunks the thought that you can find a better spot. That you don't want to risk your entire tournament on one single hand. In fact, he shows that MORE skillful players should take even slightly less than 50 percent shots!

You have to read it. Even if you don't agree, you should still figure out why. For me, this is everything that I have been thinking based on my observance of ranked players. They will take these chances, and many of them. It doesn't matter that they play 20 tournaments a day...the idea is, if you play 100 tournaments in a year, or in a week, you still want to do things this way.

Now, don't misinterpret this article. It would be very easy to sit and say, "Well, anytime I get a pair, I should call any one person's all in." No. Obviously this is not the case. This decision depends on your ablility to read situations, and hopefully you have profiled your opponents, and have enough ability to determine the types of hands they would do this with.

I will be back for more later. What I really need to find out next is...what if I can put my opponent on a RANGE of hands where, when I've done homework, I know that my edge is slight. I have 99, and I think he's all in for the top 15 percent of hands. There's one decision. I have 99, and I think he's all in with the top 30 percent of hands, there's another decision.


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