Friday, June 30, 2006

I've pretty much neglected this MOST important poker blog for a few days. I apologize for that.

I've violated my bankroll rules over the last few weeks to a month, and I've paid dearly for that.

I've been on what I commonly refer to as boredom tilt. But, the one thing that should be most clear is that there is no excuse for me being down right now. It's all my fault.

You cannot become a great poker player unless you have just about a 100 percent of AT LEAST a few of these:

Emotional Control
Understanding of the game through the study and comprehension of the best poker literature
Proper Judgement
Basic Strategy
Bankroll Management

If you can't "master" some or all of these, you cannot be great at this game. This game is a game that is played over time, not in one night, and it is the sum of all your mistakes vs. the sum of all of your opponents mistakes. No matter how many beats you are taking, you still come out on top in the long run if you are making the proper plays.

I am down. Way down. I haven't had to deposit just yet, but I am so close as to not know if I would be better off just depositing. I could grind it out, but I would be spending so much time to make so little money that it might actually be a waste.

Seriously, I'm resigned to playing the 1.20 45 man SnGs again. I have a very high ROI in these, but that means absolutely nothing. Of course, my sample is only like a couple hundred.

Since I've started this blog, I've gotten like 4 final tables in 180 man events, increase my roll to the highest it's ever been, and had the longest streak (still going) of not having to deposit. So, it's not like I'm at rock bottom. I continue to improve, and I continue to seem improvement.


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