Monday, July 31, 2006

Another final table in a rebuy.

It's been a while since I've written in this.

Of course, the number of entrants was reduced...there were approx. 180 entrants in this 2.00 rebuy. I got 2nd place, and was THIS CLOSE to first.

Okay, not really that close. Heads up, he had 70 percent of the chips, I had 30 percent. I had AJ suited, and I was first to act. I pushed, he called with TT, and his pair held up. I think this was a good decision on my part although some would call it impatient. I disagree but let's go through some other scenarios to prove my point.

Let's say he acted first, and put me all in. Easy call. If I would call that, why not raise all in?

Let's say he acted first, and raised me. I would reraise him, and judging by his play, he would have put me all in. Who wouldn't have?

Okay, let's say that I just raised him. Would he have really just called? Would you have? I would think he would have raised me, which I would have in turn reraised him. With a 70-30 chip lead, he's got to think TT heads up is completely fine for him getting me all in.

Plus, I'm a coin flip for getting a HUGE pot that completely turns the tables. Being down 700,000 chips to 300,000 chips in the 8k/16k blinds means I'm not totally in trouble, but I'm not going to be able to just sit and wait forever. I have a chance to flip to make it 60/40 me, and take command of the game. We're playing for first here anyhow. I am really confident that my play was correct.

Anyhow, that's another final table, and I am amped about that. I'm starting to get way more final tables and lately, I've considered myself in a bit of a downswing. I can't make a dime on Stars, although I'll continue to try. At this point I'm in a good dilemma in that I'm unsure if I should w/d from AP and put some on Stars, or I should just keep my $$ on AP where I've been doing well. Don't know. Not like it's some huge amount anyhow.


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